Web Design

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Logo Design

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Web Development

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White Labeling

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KoUnity e. V.

Die studentische Unternehmensberatung aus  Koblenz

KoUnity ist die studentische Unternehmensberatung an der Universität und der Hochschule in Koblenz. Wir beraten Unternehmenskunden aus der Region Mittelrhein.






Cups of Coffee

Unsere Vision

Unsere Mission

Unsere Werte


KoUnity hat das Ziele eine Plattform in Koblenz zu sein, welche Studierende und Unternehmen aus der Region in Verbindung bringt und damit eine Brücke zwischen der akademischen Welt und der Unternehmenspraxis schlägt um einen nachhaltigen Mehrwert für alle zu schaffen.


Durch das Angebot von fachlicher Weiterbildung, Netzwerkmöglichkeiten und wertvollen Praxiserfahrungen fördern wir nicht nur die persönliche Entwicklung von Studierenden, sondern unterstützen auch Unternehmen mit innovativen Lösungen und frischem Input. Unser Engagement gilt der Stärkung unserer Mitglieder, während wir den Unternehmen in unserer Region eine hochwertige Alternative zu herkömmlichen Beratungsdienstleistungen bieten.

Lernen und Entwicklung







Our Diverse Range of Digital Services

Lorem nostrud anim anim pariatur. Eiusmod est cillum officia magna nostrud mollit incididunt sit.

Web Design

Nisi fugiat excepteur do amet eiusmod et laborum veniam sint eu tempor. Aliquip magna mollit elit.

Logo Design

Nisi fugiat excepteur do amet eiusmod et laborum veniam sint eu tempor. Aliquip magna mollit elit.

Web Development

Nisi fugiat excepteur do amet eiusmod et laborum veniam sint eu tempor. Aliquip magna mollit elit.

White Labeling

Nisi fugiat excepteur do amet eiusmod et laborum veniam sint eu tempor. Aliquip magna mollit elit.

Ready to Rule the Web? Start Your Website Journey Today!

Voluptate aute nisi enim esse id veniam anim. Cupidatat veniam dolor nulla fugiat proident esse. Ipsum aute laborum consequat laboris commodo sunt ut tempor nulla ipsum fugiat. Ullamco voluptate veniam aliquip.

Our Features

Discover Our Impressive Features That Will Captivate You!

Tempor nulla aute culpa et consectetur qui et irure sint magna voluptate aliquip tempor ex in. Id et amet est enim excepteur amet ea sit.

Efficient Work Process

Tempor nulla aute culpa et consectetur qui et irure sint magna voluptate aliquip tempor ex in. Id et amet est enim excepteur.

Easy Team Management

Tempor nulla aute culpa et consectetur qui et irure sint magna voluptate aliquip tempor ex in. Id et amet est enim excepteur.

Advanced Marketing Analysis

Tempor nulla aute culpa et consectetur qui et irure sint magna voluptate aliquip tempor ex in. Id et amet est enim excepteur.

Fast Response Times

Tempor nulla aute culpa et consectetur qui et irure sint magna voluptate aliquip tempor ex in. Id et amet est enim excepteur.

Transparent Pricing

Simple Payment Plans

Tempor nulla aute culpa et consectetur qui et irure sint magna voluptate aliquip tempor ex in. Id et amet est enim excepteur amet ea sit.


Great for Personal Websites!

$299/ year

1 Page Website

SEO Friendly for Google

Social Media Integration

1 Year Free Hosting

Free SSL Security


Great for Team/Bigger Websites!

$499/ year

5 Pages Website

SEO Friendly for Google

Social Media Integration

1 Year Free Hosting

Free SSL Security


Great for Agency/Corporate Websites!

$799/ year

10+ Pages Website

SEO Friendly for Google

Social Media Integration

1 Year Free Hosting

Free SSL Security


Outstanding Customer Feedback

Tempor nulla aute culpa et consectetur qui et irure sint magna voluptate aliquip tempor ex in. Id et amet est enim excepteur amet ea sit.

„Molti is a premium Divi child theme that offers a versatile and modern design for creating professional websites. It comes with pre-designed layouts and custom modules, making it easy to create a unique website without any coding knowledge. Molti also offers excellent customer support and regular updates.


Ethan Williams

Apex Enterprises

„Molti is a premium Divi child theme that offers a versatile and modern design for creating professional websites. It comes with pre-designed layouts and custom modules, making it easy to create a unique website without any coding knowledge. Molti also offers excellent customer support and regular updates.


Olivia Davis

BrightWave Solutions

„Molti is a premium Divi child theme that offers a versatile and modern design for creating professional websites. It comes with pre-designed layouts and custom modules, making it easy to create a unique website without any coding knowledge. Molti also offers excellent customer support and regular updates.


Ethan Rodriguez

Peak Performance Solutions

„Molti is a premium Divi child theme that offers a versatile and modern design for creating professional websites. It comes with pre-designed layouts and custom modules, making it easy to create a unique website without any coding knowledge. Molti also offers excellent customer support and regular updates.


Lucas Kim

Quantum Leap Technologies

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It will be as simple as occidental in fact, it will be Occidental. It will be as simple as occidental in fact, it will be Occidental.

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